KPAC CLM Recipes

The KPAC webpage containing all ingredients of the
PNG Community-Led Monitoring (CLM) Recipes

The main CLM Reference Pages

2023 CLM Main Page [here]
2023 CLM Data and Summary Findings [here]
2022-2023 CLM Accomplishments and Activities [here]
2021-2023 CLM Knowledge Products Download Page [eLibrary here]

The CLM Recipe Pages

CLM 1&2 Recipe - National Response Center
CLM 3 Recipe - Facility Exit Interviews
CLM 4 Recipe - Community Forums
CLM 5 Recipe - Facility Observations (Mystery Client)

The CLM Process and Results Documentation Reports

2023 CLM Documentation Report, June 2023 (Main Report, 45 pages) [pdf]

2023 CLM Documentation Report, June 2023 (Annexes, 18 pages) [pdf]

2023 CLM Documentation Presentation, June 2023 (Powerpoint, 63 slides) [pdf]

2023 CLM Knowledge Products - Annotated Bibliography, June 2023 (28 pages) [pdf]

This effort is supported through funding and technical support from the 
Joint U.N. Programme for HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS),
U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID),
Australian Department of Foreign Affairs (DFAT), and
Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria (GFATM

in collaboration with the
National Department of Health (NDoH) and
Provincial Health Authorities (PHA).