youth lead PNG

Youth Lead PNG bridging the gap for young people.

WHO WE ARE and HIGHLIGHTS OF WHAt we have archived.

Youth LEAD PNG, (Youth Leadership, Education and Advocacy) Is a growing network of young key population and young people living with HIV in Papua New Guinea. Our young leaders have been mentored by leaders of KPAC, Kapul Champions, Hetura Network Association, Friends Frangipani and Igat Hope. We provide awareness and education to young key population to protect themselves from HIV,STI,TB and Malaria. Youth LEAD PNG works in partnership with organisations and champions in PNG to support us in our Advocacy programs. Here are few highlights of our achievements. 

young leaders celebrating Laza's birthday

Bonding during COVID pendamic to encourage solidarity

YKPPNG core group meeting to plan for future activities

Blendina provided TA for OCA for YKPPNG

3rd Pacific Islands of Diverse PIDSOGIESC+ from 20 - 28 April 2024 in Nadi, Fiji.


Jayke sharing experiences of young key population programe in Papua New Guinea and how KPAC PNG menthoring Youth LEAD PNG to be strong and matured.


Group sharing experiences on menthol health issues in the pacific and how we can prevent mental health issues through inovative strategies. Across the pacific we all shared common protective measures like peer to peer  and family support with lots of Hugs and Love.

sharing of vulnerable mobile population

The safety of vulnerable mobile population (sex workers) is a big issue in the Pacific where individual love ones have been murded. during the conference there was a call for (JUSTICE FOR ESTHER) a young trans person who was murdered. the authoroties did not take action. Fortunately during the workshop partner organisations went to see high authoroties ( Justice)  to open Esthers case and further investigate.  We pray that those held accountable should face justice.

bridging lasting relationship across the pasifika

Meet MJ our young Palopa who is thrilled to share her personal experiences attending the 3RD Pacific Human Rights Confrence on Diverse PIDSOGIESC+ in Nadi Fiji. 

"OMG I have never dreamt of attending such diverse conference with like minded beautiful pasifika friends "  MJ expressed her grattitude to the organisers who made it happened for her to be part of the 3rd Pacific Human Rights Confrence on diverse PIDSOGIESC+

MJ cried, " this is my first time to own a passport, have a national birth certificate and fly on an international trip boarding three (3) different airlines, Air Nuigini, Fiji Airways and Solomon airlines across three diffrent Pacific Islands Nations and making new friends across all pasifika islands nations." 

As a young Palopa she archieved Two things;

Finally i would like to personally thank the following, Johnathan Wala who supported me in my application and everyone who made it possible for me including  KPAC PNG . A very special hugs to the organising committee in Fiji....Vinaka Vaka Levu !!!!!!