Community-led Monitoring

Papua New Guinea

Key population communities in PNG leading,  monitoring, and empowering the community to improve the coverage and quality of HIV and other services for the community.


This effort is supported through funding and technical support from the 
Joint U.N. Programme for HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS),
U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID),
Australian Department of Foreign Affairs (DFAT), and
Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria (GFATM

in collaboration with the
National Department of Health (NDoH) and
Provincial Health Authorities (PHA).

2023 CLM objectives and Activities - NCD, EHP, Morobe

Objective 1:
Coordinate, strengthen, and manage the CLM mechanism in the NCD, Morobe and Eastern Highlands Provinces [1.1. Coordination: Engage stakeholders and government partners in the implementation of, and accountability for, CLM quality-improvement recommendations; 1.2. Management: Support and maintain the CLM team, ensuring mechanisms, activities, and implementers are funded to carry out plans and service quality improvements, especially as these benefit key populations. ]

Objective 2:
Conduct capacity-building and training for KPAC Community Champions (community monitors) to implement CLM. [2.1. Capacity-building training and development for a cadre of CLM data collectors (Community Champions)]

Objective 3:
Support KPAC Community Champions (community monitors) to collect and analyze qualitative and quantitative data from communities. [3.1. Data collection and analysis: Collect and analyze CLM data, and translate insights into actionable recommendations to increase the quality of service provision]

Objective 4:
Guide advocacy with national and provincial leaders for the improvement of HIV services. [4.1. Advocacy and action planning: Engage government partners and local stakeholders in line with the advocacy plan, and build capacity to communicate demands for change; 4.2. Monitoring and accountability: Monitor improvements in the quality of HIV services to reach targets set by community stakeholders, including CSOs and organizations of people living with HIV and key populations.]


This effort is supported through funding and technical support from the  

in collaboration with the 

What do we measure

Preliminary results of CLM 3 - Facility Exit Interviews (Round 1 - June 2022) - download HERE

Feedback to NCD Clinics 2023

feedback loop

The NCD Provincial Health Authority (NCDPHA) awarding the CLM Scorecard (Top 5) to Heduru Clinic's Head Clinician, Sr Ragagelo Opina, last 22 August 2022.

Same day (immediate)

Same month

Within 3 months

the CLM e-Library (knowledge products)

You can access knowledge products, tools, documents, and updates from here: