Kapul Champions

Established in 2012

Kapul Champions was launched in 2012 by the PNG Minister of Health and HIV, Hon. Michael Malabag. 


Who we are

Kapul Champions (KC) is an independent organisation representing men with diverse sexuality (MDS) in Papua New Guinea. It is proud to have given "birth" to organize its Transgender members into Hetura Network Association.

We have a board of TG and MDS representing the various regions of Papua New Guinea (PNG), a secretariat based in Varahe Street, Gordons, National Capital District (NCD) – at the National AIDS Council office; as well as members all across the country.

KC was launched in 2012 by the PNG Minister of Health and HIV, Mr. Michael Malabag. We are currently funded by AusAID and supported by the Australian federation of Aids Organisation, Igat Hope Inc, UNAIDS in PNG and PNG Development Law Association.

Our vision and mission

Our Vision is that our members and all MDS in PNG enjoy their health and well-being. Our Mission is to work in partnership with others to improve access to services and to help MDS live free of abuse. KC runs community forum with MDS in different parts of PNG to share information about HIV, the Law and our rights that comes with responsibilities.

What we do

KC aims to represent MDS in National Policy and Health discussions. We aim to raise the voices and concerns of MDS particular in the planning and implementing of HIV services.

We engage with the government and other stakeholders to promote Human Rights protection for MDS and advocate for a change to the law impacting MDS. Specifically, section 210 – regarding the offence of sexual penetration against the order of nature, and section 212 – regarding the offence of gross indecency between males.

Office Location

KPAC Office, Soare St., Gordons, Port Moresby.