
Induction and Refresher for GBV Casual Field Officers 

Learning and Development Officer Cyril Iwap for World Vision; People and Culture Team calmly explained World Vision’s Regulations (Policies and Compliance) and briefly illuminated the History of World Vision and what it stands for to the Casual Gender-Based Violence (GBV) Field Officers for Port Moresby and Lae during their Induction and Refresher workshop at Citi Boutique Apartments – Lakatoi Haus, Port Moresby.

Four Casual GBV Field Officers were tasked with creating Referral Pathways in their communities for basic services especially Health Clinics and Protection targeting the Key Population (KP). They started on November 11th 2022 and now they were here formally inducted as casual GBV Officers for World Vision and, discussed their successes, challenges and their way forward plan for the next month of March 2023. The Officers also filled out and signed their ‘Child and Adult Safeguarding Code of Conduct and Behavior Protocols’ and other necessary documents.

Click HERE for the full story.

This is an initiative of Friends Frangipani Inc. under the Key Population Advocacy Consortium (KPAC) supported by the World Vision TB/HIV Portfolio through the Global Fund.

Graduation Day 

FROM LEFT: Kelsy Arogo and Sharon Jimberi are small to medium Entrepreneurs (SMEs) and members of Friends Frangipani who graduated after two weeks of training at the Human Development Index (HDI) Institute under Personal Viability Business Course Level 1. World Vision PNG supported this training.  

Kelsy and Sharon underwent the training with other friends and colleagues in Friends Frangipani, Igat Hope and World Vision. 

According to the two ladies, this training changed and open up their minds to be conscious of time, finance and resource management.