GF-WVI Initiatives

KPAC is fortunate to be a recipient of technical support from the Global Fund Grants in PNG (TB-HIV and Covid19) through the leadership of World Vision International (WVI). For 2021-2023, around US$ 700,000 in resources to build the capacity of KPAC and become a future an implementing partner  or a sub-recipient (SR). The GF invests for KPAC policies to be in place, for its organizational structure, staffing and training, its office operations, support to equipment and supplies. Among the major programs include evidence-informed human rights advocacy; greater HIV and TB services demand awareness, generation and coverage; greater engagement and capacity of young key population to advocate or deliver services; and contribute to establishment and expansion  community-led monitoring.

CLM Training in madang, August 2022

Workshop on improving policies on tb and hiv, march 2022

communications Workshop for young key population, august 2022

GF Support to Community systems strengthening, 2021-2023

Interventions and Key Activities

The PLHIV and key populations national organisations of PNG (Igat Hope (PLHIV), Kapul Champions (MSM & TG) and Friends Frangipani (Sex Workers) have combined forces in recent years to form the National KP Advocacy Consortium. This was in-part donor driven, following the withdrawal of DFAT Australia donor funding for the individual organisations in 2016. DFAT provides a single Coordinator position until end 2020 with no onward guarantee, so the Coordinator position is now included in this proposal. The Consortium is currently hosted within the UNAIDS Country Office. In 2021 the GF-funded SKPA Regional program will provide funding for two project officers and a finance officer through its SR, the Burnet Institute. Project officers will coordinate community-based monitoring program/advocacy and KP network support. The community-based monitoring will also collect information on the quality and accessibility of TB services. There is currently no equivalent TB community organisation to implement this.

CLM - Community-led monitoring (originally called CB - community-based monitoring)

Significant work on tool development and initial training of KP members has already taken place in 2019/20 under the GF-funded SKPA regional project. USAID has also included further tool development and roll-out in its 2020 Country Operations Plan (COP). Activities for this funding request:

Community-led advocacy and research

 Institutional capacity building, planning and leadership development