Organizational Capacity Assessment

OCA Updates - September 2022

Organizational Capacity Assessment (OCA) of KPAC

August-September 2022

Lead facilitators: Rebecca and Shane, USAID PNG

Participants: Board of Delegates, Executive Director, Deputy ED, Finance Officer, other KPAC Staff

Observers: UNAIDS

OCA by modules:

·       Governance and legal structure

·       Financial management and internal control systems – DONE (12 August 2022)

·       Administration and procurement systems – DONE (2 August 2022)

·       Human resources management – DONE (2 August 2022)

·       Program management – UPCOMING (7 September 2022)

·       Project performance management

·       Organizational management and sustainability


A report with assessment findings and recommendations will be developed by end of September 2022.

OCA final results presentation - may 2023

Organizational Capacity Assessment (OCA) for KPAC

May 02 2023 at Holiday Inn, Port Moresby.

Lead facilitators: Rebecca Price from USAID and Lesley Bola From KPAC PNG.

Participants: A total of 45 participants (including virtual)  - National Department Of Health (NDoH), National Capital District Provincial Health Authority (NCDPHA), National AIDS Council Secretariat (NACS), World Vision - PNG, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), The U.S. President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), Family Health International (FHI) 360, Anglicare PNG (APNG), Burnet Institute, Friends Frangipani Inc., (FF), Kpaul Champion (KC), Igat Hope Inc., Hetura Network Association, KPAC, and others.

Result Documents: